UkraineValues Quiz

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There are many different viewpoints surrounding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine with many different perspectives surrounding the conflict as well as different blends of views on it.

This quiz aims to provide someone a better understanding of their views whether it's based Russia/Ukraine or involves ones views of NATO or a different position.

Created by: Kenji
  1. What peace deal would you support to end the war in Ukraine?
  2. Do you believe the Euromaidan in 2014 was a coup involving NATO?
  3. Is Ukraine a victim in the conflict?
  4. Regarding the alleged shelling of Donbas cities by Ukrainian during the ceasefire of 2015-2022:
  5. If Russia wins the war in Ukraine, it will invade NATO.
  6. NATO should send boots on the ground in Ukraine to save it.
  7. How similar are Russians and Ukrainians?
  8. What is the main reason for the 2023 Ukrainian Counteroffensive's failure?
  9. Kiev or Kyiv?
  10. Ukrainian men living abroad in Europe should be brought back to fight in Ukraine.
  11. Thoughts on Bandera?
  12. Ukraine should destroy soviet monuments.
  13. Thoughts on Alexander Lukashenko

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