Types of Autism

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If you have autism or think you might have autism this test will determine where you might be on the spectrum. This quiz will determine if you are verbal, non-verbal, high-functioning, low functioning, or a mix of some of them

Answer the questions as honestly as possible. You will have your results by the end of the test. Take your time to really think about this. This Quiz can not diagnose you with Autism if you believe you may be of the Autistic community seek professional advice.

Created by: AutisticArtist19
  1. Do you struggle to say certain words?
  2. Can you remain calm in a public setting even if its stressing you out?
  3. Does the slightest change in your routine make you angry?
  4. If you have a job have you made a mistake or are you able to work flawlessly?
  5. Do you replace word with noises to speak?
  6. Can you speak full sentences with almost no mistakes?
  7. Do you love to organize things and get upset when it is in disarray?
  8. Do you have something that brings you joy even if you've had it forever it never gets boring( Example; Stuffed toy, blanket, movie, song, sound, etc.
  9. Do you look people in the eye's when they are speaking to you or vice versa?
  10. Have you been diagnosed with autism.

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