The Sorting Hat

What house are you at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Take the quiz and find out! There ar six options, but I'll leave those to you for which you are...

Are you a Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, house started by Godric Gryffindor? A Hufflepuff, loyal to their friends, home of Helga? A Ravenclaw, witty, nerdy, smart, dwelling of Rowena? Or perhaps a Slytherin, the most ambitious, where they honor those of pure blood, started by Salazar...

Created by: Lily Evans
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your animagius/patronus form would be a...
  2. Your favorite color is...
  3. How would you do on your OWL and NEWT exams?
  4. Your friends describe you as...
  5. Your enemies describe you as...
  6. Your first reaction to your letter was...
  7. The teacher gives you a foot-long essay, so you...
  8. What do you consider friends to be?
  9. What do you think of rules?
  10. What house would you like to be in?
  11. What house would you not want to be in?
  12. What would you like for your birthday?
  13. What is the best trait according to you?

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