Is your world America or is it the world?

The world is presented through a blurry lens. It distorts and alters the picture and its messages. Powers that Be feel that pure truth is too dangerous for you. Seek it and demand it and it shall prevail.

Let's reiterate. Powers that Be feel that pure truth is too dangerous for you. Seek it and demand it and it shall prevail. Eventually the difference between truth and "truthiness" will become obvious.

Created by: oldbidshika1975 of The Czech-speaking Gay American Mafia
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangerai are famous celebrities whose names are immediately recognized by millions of people around the world. Do you know who they are? (You're not allowed to use Google to cheat!)
  2. This former leader of the Bosnian Serbs wanted for participation in genocide was recently captured after it was discovered he had been hiding in Serbia and arrested. He had grown a beard and altered his appearance and was working as a psychiatrist.
  3. This popular former prime minister of Pakistan was assassinated at a political rally in December 2007.
  4. Britain's current prime minister is who?
  5. PKK is best known as an abbreviation for what?
  6. PKK is best known as an abbreviation for what?
  7. The people of Iran speak what language?
  8. The Orange Revolution is the name of a democratic movement from what country?
  9. This Indonesian island resort very popular with tourists from around the world has been the target of terrorist bombings by groups linked to Al Qaeda.
  10. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a member of what political party in Germany?

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Quiz topic: Is my world America or is it the world?