How Ms Karsten Are You?

There are many teachers in the world: some are memorable, some make you think, some inspire you. Others are just downright sh*t and should not be let near students lest they 'un-teach' them.

Few can be truly be named as 'legends' in their own classroom. Ms Karsten is one of those. Now, find out the answer you've always wanted to know: How Ms Karsten Am I?

Created by: Han of this site
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a vase: what is your first thought?
  2. You flick through radio stations, which music do you stop on?
  3. How much do you love the film 'Gladiator'?
  4. Which of the following is something you've NOT done in class?
  5. Capital is...
  6. Fridays mean:
  7. 'Porter' means:
  8. Do you have MySpace?
  9. 'Doctor Who' means:
  10. How well travelled am I?

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Quiz topic: How Ms Karsten am I?